While the link between fashion and sustainability is not yet obvious to everyone, some are taking up the subject with positivity and pedagogy. Here are the TOP 3 podcasts that are worth it!


Defining and getting clear information about responsible fashion is not that easy. Insofar as no one yet has the miracle recipe for producing clothes that do not pollute, everyone interprets responsible fashion in their own way. Everything is a bit vague so I might as well tell you that before starting to create LEITA, I really needed some education. To clear the ground, I started listening to many podcasts on the subject.


I turned with great pleasure to podcasts which were also a way to learn by doing a thousand other things (a great specialty for me). In a short time, I was able to have a global and precise vision of the social and environmental excesses, of the fashion industry, of their consequences and above all of the innovative solutions envisaged... here is my selection of podcasts which take up the subject the body and initiate reflections on this seemingly complex and not sexy subject.



My favorite . Every week, Chloé Cohen receives those who make responsible and committed fashion in France: entrepreneurs, designers, models... For 30 minutes, they share their points of view, experiences and discuss their solutions and actions. concrete steps to make fashion more responsible. The diversity of topics covered in the episodes allows you to either take a look at the question or, on the contrary, to choose from among the topics that interest you the most. Chloé Cohen also shares, with an authentic and committed tone, her opinion on brands by deciphering their speeches and their commitments.



The TOP 3 in the TOP 3:

  1. On the road to Parisian manufacturing: Marion Nerguisian
  2. How to recognize a responsible and transparent brand?
  3. How to create a responsible brand?



The most engaged . Through this podcast, Claire Roussel questions and questions us about fashion and its political, social and ecological impacts on our lives. We obviously talk about fashion but also about feminism, discrimination against minorities with fashion players who are committed to a more responsible industry in France. This podcast presents fashion that is resolutely turned towards the future and rethinks it by focusing on inclusivity, commitment and responsibility.  The tone is thoughtful and benevolent, and each meeting makes it possible to discover reasoned and innovative reflections.



The TOP 3 in the TOP 3:

  1. Sustainable, ethical, responsible fashion… what does that mean?
  2. Fashion and responsibility: what is the impact of the media?
  3. Creating fashion in France, why and how?



The sunniest . This little expression "A la bien" resonates with a little southern accent, from the beginning of the podcast and puts a smile on your face. À la bien is a podcast created and hosted by Mitia and Pauline, two journalists who talk about beautiful and well-made things in the field of fashion and beauty. In each episode, they give a voice to "those who act, perhaps not perfectly well, but who at least do it".  In a good mood, you can find valuable eco-friendly advice to apply on a daily basis, you learn without feeling guilty and you discover committed brands.



The TOP 3 in the TOP 3:

  1. Deedee - Eco Guide to Instagram
  2. Chrysolin of Gastines, by Balzac Paris
  3. Guillaume Bosse-Platière, from Surprise



Good listening !

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