After many years of wearing black clothes, one day I said to myself STOP. Yes, a big STOP as if to escape the complexity of the world, its opacity, its darkness and its poor health and I dressed in colors to go towards a brighter and more joyful world. While doing some research on colors, I realized that the rainbow was presented, in many myths, as the symbol of a passage between two worlds. This may be the beginning of the beginning of the validation of my theory: by wearing colors, we can perhaps create a passage to a better world.

Well, I may not make the world a better place, but what is certain is that colors have extraordinary powers and particular influences on our lives. It's not some fancy theory of mine, but it's neuroscience that teaches us that each color activates specific brain functions. A small example: English scientists repainted a beige-colored first grade classroom in pink. They then compared the children's drawings made in the beige room then the drawings made in the pink room and they realized that the drawings were much more positive, with more sun and less cloud... In short, there was really a difference between the before and after the pink paint stroke.


Blue is the favorite color of the French... but you will say to me "And then, what is its power?"... We are getting there.

_ Blue relaxes: this color is known for its relaxing virtues. Blue reduces blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate. It is also used in many situations to reduce the anxiety-inducing or upsetting nature of certain announcements.

_ Blue boosts creativity: blue strengthens the ability to unleash the imagination, to generate bright ideas (come on, we believe it). Blue encourages getting out of a boxed thought and being creative. The association with the sky, the ocean and the water allows an association of blue with openness, peace and tranquility.

In view of these two powers, you say to yourself, my new resolution is to wear blue every day! You are quite right and I am going to help you.

The models of the first capsule to come.


For our first capsule, we decided to create a shades of blue by combining a deep blue and an electric blue. There will therefore be blues for all tastes, more or less classic. I did some expert research so that these two blues could go together perfectly.

This first blue, I chose it very deep. It is dense, mysterious. It is like a breakthrough into the vastness of the relaxing depths of the oceans. It's a subtle blue that could pass for black but isn't. Applied to the chosen slightly shiny fabric, it becomes luminous. Worn as a total look (the shirt and pants combo), the look becomes super chic whether you're wearing your best shoes or your favorite pair of sneakers. This deep blue will also look great with jeans, white and even black (we don't get rid of black that easily).

Electric blue challenges and calls us. It's lively, it's vibrant and downright electrifying. It clearly invites creativity. Believe me, I searched a long time before finding the perfect electric blue. One might think it unrelated but no. It goes very well with colors like red, pink or even chocolate… it also goes very well with deep navy. So we made sure that the two blues blend perfectly (we try to do things right). It will therefore be quite possible to mix the blues: the electric blue shirt and the deep blue pants or vice versa, we let you choose. No matter what color you choose, what's important to us is that you feel chic and comfortable... and maybe even relaxed and creative.


The two blues chosen for the two models of the first capsule.

We hope you've been intrigued and that you'll really want to take a look at our next capsule, which will arrive in early 2023. We still have a few things to do before everything is ready. You can see more on our Instagram profile or here .

We can't wait to share it all. We repeat it constantly but believe that it is sincere!


If you are interested in the power of colors, Jean-Gabriel Causse has written a book on the subject: The amazing power of colors, how they influence behavior, mood, intellectual abilities or desire.

And for those who don't want to read everything, you can watch this short video by Jean-Gabriel Causse to discover the power of red, green and yellow: here


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